PRAG SERVICE Consultancy Services in Sri Lanka
Preparation of Accounts
We could undertake your Accounting function-Book-Keeeping and record manintance, preparation of final accounts and other accounts related work such as Bank Reconcilliations etc.
Administrative and Financial systems development and re- engineering
Main debacle to smooth functioning of financial and administrative functions is lack of systems and procedures. It is observed that systemic failiure was rhe main reason fo corporate failure. We can assist you to develop,restore ,or introduce new systems and procedures which help to smooth functioning of busness activities and to reach the corporate success.
Preparation of Strategic(Corporate) Plans, financial and Administrative Manuals, Guidelines and Hand Books etc.
Under performing and under utilisation of resorses are major problems for several corporate organizations. Reason for this situatiation is lack of proper and updated corporate or strategic Plan and proper guidelines to follow in day to day work. Our experience consultants could undertake the preparation of Strategic Plans and financial and Administrative service manuals or guidleines.
Clearing of backlog and Reconciliations- Accounts, Administration and Bank matters
Available staff is unable to cope up with the backlog then you need outside support We can help.
Translation of Official and other Documents
We undertake translation of official or other documents to Sinhala,English or Tamil
Preparation of Job Specifications, Evaluation criteria, Recruitment Procedure
Conduct Recruitment and Promotional Examinations and tests With the experience of conducting large number of recruitment and promotional examinations for public and corporate sector organizations we are ready to undertake conducting examinations and all type of personnel matters. Our resourse panel includes very senior administrative officers and Personnel Managers
Consultancy Services in Sri Lanka